Committee Purpose

The primary activity of the NRC is to approve and monitor tree topping and tree removal requests. Tree removal request forms can be requested and submitted directly in the Skylake Office. Please note there is a no-cut policy for rhododendrons, mountain laurel and hemlocks inside Skylake.

In 2012 the Skylake board of directors adopted a policy of planting only native plants in the common areas and greenbelt.

The group also keeps a close eye on area wildlife, the condition of our two lakes, the building, hanging and maintenance of bluebird houses in the pasture, and generally works to preserve and protect the natural beauty of Skylake.

Committee Members

Ron Taylor, Chairperson
Mike Alcorn
Michael Jinks
Jim Ramsey
Ivy Rutzky
Barry Smith 
Mike Yarbrough
Gena VanDerKloot
Aaron Cosson, General Manager, ex officio

Reports and useful information from this committee can be found in the RESOURCE CENTER

Be BearWise at Home

Bears are naturally shy and wary of people. But once they get a big food reward for overcoming their natural reluctance to hang around humans, they often go exploring for more treats. This can create problems for both people and bears. is set up to help people become BearWise in all that it means - especially in the area of reducing human-bear conflicts. The links below are interesting and helpful articles for folks, including Skylakers, who live in bear country.


Georgia Native Plants Part I - Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines

Georgia Native Plants Part II - Ferns

Invasive and Exotic Species

Non-Native Invasive Plants in Georgia 

Georgia Wildlife - Armadillos 

Relocated black bear tracks 1,000 miles across four states (TENNESSEE)